Leaving Chichester we turned East into unknown waters which seems a strange thing to say being so close to the Solent but we’d never sailed in this direction before. We can also safely say ‘We’ as this includes Le Jouannet as there are no historical records of her visiting Littlehampton or Brighton before, so we are now all in this together.
Yet again we were waved off this time by an old colleague, Matt, who was heading into Chichester on his newly purchased Moody ‘Woodwind’.
Selsey Bill was our next fearsome experience. Having read numerous reports about this area we approached our passage plans with due caution and diligence and double checking all our calculations set off. At times the waves were nearly 10cms high and it was so bad Nina almost spilt her tea. To be honest we got lucky. This along with many of the UK’s headlands has to be respected but perhaps, at last, our luck was in and having rounded it we waved at Bognor (no one waved back) and four hours later we arrived in Brighton. On route I’d love to write about Sea Serpents, masts breaking, rogue waves and dolphins but nothing really happened and having arrived at 6pm less than an hour later we were the proud owners of a 2 person ‘Asda Indian Banquet’ for £10 …. Bargain!
11th April 2018
Mileage covered 78