After four years of mooring at Folleux our names had eventually crawled their way to the top of the list for a contract in the water at Arzal. We delayed carrying out the winter maintenance until April so when LJ was returned to the water we could move on down the river to her new mooring.
Inevitably there was 20 knots of howling wind on the nose as I took the boat to Arzal whist Nina drove there in comfort. We then had that heart in the mouth moment of me trying to get close enough to our mooring (which I was getting blown away from) so that Nina could reach a line without falling in the water. Fortunately, there was no audience and so I can claim an almost perfect landing.
J37 was our home for the next 3 months where we could come and go as we pleased and for once, we didn’t have to climb a ladder to get on board. Simple pleasures indeed!
We returned home to Grandparent Duties
1st April 2023
Trip Mileage 8 miles
Mileage Completed 2057 miles