The storm that had engulfed the Isles of Scilly had passed but another one was on its way across the Atlantic. It was forecast to split up over Biscay with half of it hitting Cornwall and southern Ireland the other hitting Brittany with predicted winds of 40 knots plus. Our choice was to either head READ MORE
Sometimes it all goes right..
All hopes of visiting the Isles of Scilly were abandoned due to a continuous westerly wind and two storms hitting the UK from the Atlantic and so we agreed, let’s head straight to France … We set off from Plymouth at midday and headed out through the Sound. Four hours later the last sight of READ MORE
The Plymouth ‘Whiff’
As described in a previous post, jobs on this vessel have a clear and unarguable division of labour and simply labelled ‘Blue jobs and Pink Jobs”. In summary ‘Blue Jobs’ often involve a whiff of some description and are instantly allocated to me whilst ‘Pink jobs’ are Nina’s department. Let us all agree that sometimes, READ MORE
The Lock Gates Open…
Chichester Marina lock gates opened letting saltwater flow past the hull for the first time in months. On departure the lock keepers always enquire when you will be returning in order to avoid overcrowding when the tide changes and everyone wants to come back. He stood confidently, armed with his clipboard and pen poised. I READ MORE
A New Start
In order to preserve the fragility of a boat owner’s sanity, it’s important to work hard at reducing your ‘To do’ list so it resembles something manageable. The key word being ‘reduce’. I have often used the phrase that boats are ‘on going projects’ and so I’m under no illusion that the list will ever READ MORE
11 July 2021
Covid and Brexit regulations require that all arrivals by sea are reported immediately to Her Majesties Border Force to ensure that no illegal persons or goods are entering the UK. It is therefore now the duty of all skippers to contact this highly professional and pro-active 24hr organisation whom I had been informed were likely READ MORE
UK or bust.
The morning of the 7th July saw us through the Barrage Lock at Arzal which marked LJ’s return to sea water. We waved goodbye to Nina, who was driving our car home via Caen, whilst Richard and I sat waiting for sufficient tide to exit the river. With no Radar, very little in the way READ MORE
She lives.
She lives. Although the key turned in the lock with some confidence, the hatch doors remained firmly stuck until yielding following a good shove which presented access to the gloom of the saloon. Having left the blinds down and the hatches covered we peered into the dark, not knowing if we were to be faced READ MORE
Lock down ends..
Exiting from the darkness of ‘Lock Down 3’ and 12 months after last seeing the boat we tentatively looked at returning to France to make sure that LJ was still the right way up. Although she had been fitted with the latest electrical tracking equipment the last transmitted signal was August 2020 so although we READ MORE
A year in one post ..
2020 started off rather well, LJ had a new marina, we’d packed up the business and by the time we’d got home in the Autumn of 2019 our youngest kids had moved out of the house! The pain of their loss was hard to take but we’d recovered by lunchtime and, before either of them READ MORE