The evening of May 26th saw us well prepared to depart Lowestoft for the long leg north to Grimsby (110NM). If all went according to plan, the lights of the Humber River should be twinkling at us about 18 hours later and so, in the company of Jonathan and Jeremy on their little boat Peverall, READ MORE
Entering the North Sea
Nearly forgetting we were supposed to be sailing round the UK, at 4.30 AM (Yes there are 2 x 4.30’s in a day) we were met with a sunrise, flat seas and a breeze from the north. The BBC Shipping forecast, that bastion of knowledge and accuracy, confirmed all was good to go. So, with READ MORE
The failed escape of Ipswich
The last post saw us stuck in Ipswich and with commitments at home to fulfil we closed Le Jouannet down and came home to Woking for 10 days, returning to on May 14th During this period it hadn’t gone unnoticed that the East Coast was blessed with almost perfect sailing weather and as we alighted READ MORE
Constable Country
Those more observant watchers of ‘The Adventures’ may have thought we’d been stationary for so long we’d had a change of plan and decided to join the electoral role of Ipswich instead of continuing with our circumnavigation. I am equally aware that if you’d have set off on foot the same day we left Yarmouth READ MORE